Q1:Many of these questions are getting repetitive so how about you tell us what kind of questions you have always wanted to be asked but no one has yet had the balls to say (or has been allowed to)?(很多問題已經重覆又重覆,到不如你來告訴我們,你們最想被訪問的話題,或者是沒人敢問的問題(或是不被允許的),如何?)
Matt:Would you mind if I gave you a foot massage? Does my bum look big in this? What are your views on the Israel/Palestine conflict? Closely followed by: Do you think that America has been covertly supporting conflict in geo-strategic flash points across the Eurasian land-mass in order to stop unification and subsequently safeguard its aspiration towards global hegemony?(你介意我幫你做個腳底按摩嗎?我穿這樣會顯得屁股大嗎?你對於以巴衝突的觀點?深入說:你覺得美國是不是偷偷地支持這場位在具有地理戰略意義但混亂的歐亞交界地的衝突,以便阻止這區域的結合並讓他延續統治全球的目的可以達成?)Btw, Do you think that America has been covertly supporting conflict in geo-strategic flash points across the Eurasian land-mass in order to stop unification and subsequently safeguard its aspiration towards global hegemony?
Q2:To Dom/Chris: Do you ever look at Matt's lyrics and think "What the f*ck?"(你們有曾經看著Matt的歌詞時,腦袋浮現"這是什麼鬼?"過嗎?)
Dom:No,I like them.
Chris:Not really. Not all of the lyrical content makes total sense to me but then it doesn’t have to. I don’t think it's anyone's place to question people's lyrics. Lyrics are an expression of someone's thoughts and people have the right to think about what they want. If Matt took any influence from me and Dom on lyrics then they probably wouldn’t make sense to him anymore. (並不會這樣想,不是所有的歌詞對我都一定有所意義,也沒這個必要。我覺得不能隨意地去質疑其他人的歌詞,歌詞是感想的抒發,每個人都有思考的權利,如果Matt的歌詞被我或者Dom所影響,那這些對Matt也就沒有意義。)
Q3:Would you ever consider letting Chris take the lead vocals on a song/b-side?(有考慮讓Chris在某些歌當主唱嗎?)
Matt:Yes, I would like that.Always fancied playing a few more complex guitar patterns while someone else sings.Singing and playing at the same time has its drawbacks.(當然,我想在有人唱歌的時候玩一些更加複雜的吉他技巧,畢竟同時唱歌跟彈吉他有些阻礙。)
Q4:Do you ever feel embarrased by the actions of your fans?(你們曾經對歌迷的行為感到困擾或是不好意思嗎?)
Dom:I can’t ever feel embarrassed by our fans. I suppose you can do some crazy things like shaving muse into your head, getting tattoos and having mass sing a longs in random places, but its probably all in appreciation for the music which is amazing. Cheers.(我從來不會感到不好意思,我覺得你們會做出瘋狂的事情,像是在頭上剃出MUSE的字樣、刺青或者是在任何的地方大聲唱歌,都是因為MUSE超讚的音樂。歡喜就好!)
( >///< 害羞跑走~~~)
Q5:Since receiving your honorary doctorates, have you been ever tempted to use the line "trust me I'm a doctor" ?(自從你們拿到榮譽博士頭銜後,你們有拿著"相信我,我可是博士"到處說嘴嗎?)
Dom:I use that line every day… I just hope I'm not in the situation where someone takes me seriously and asks me to do something. At that point I will just have to offer a healing drum beat.(我每天都會拿來誇耀啊!我只是希望別人不要當真然後要求我做些什麼,現在這個節骨眼,我只會修鼓而已。)