

Q11:When the new album will be ready approximately?(新專輯大概何時會完成?)


Chris:It would be nice to have the album out in the second half of next year but we have not set ourselves any targets. It is more important for us to make the best album we have made to date and if that means it comes out in 2010 then we don’t mind. Hopefully it will be sooner though.(如果能在2009的下半年完成新專輯是最好了,但是我們沒有設定任何的目標期程,我想完成一張"最讚"的專輯,就算必須延後到2010年才能發行,我也不在意。但是我還是希望能夠早點完成。)





Q12:Tell us more about this "symphonic monster".(多聊一些有關"交響式史詩"的那部份。)


Dom:It’s a big piece that has three different parts that all belong together to make one track. Kind of three songs in one. It starts quite mellow and ends up very heavy indeed whilst moving through a few genres to get there.(那是一首很浩大的曲子,主要是由三個完全不同的篇章,然後連結成一首。有點像是將三首歌結合成一首歌。一開始的旋律相當柔和,但會以非常重金屬的方式作為結尾,中間部分則透過一些類型的旋律結合轉換過去。)





Q13:If you would like to remembered by just one song, what would it be and why?(如果只能有一首歌是被大家記住的,你希望是哪一首?為什麼?)


Matt:I certainly have not written that song yet! Hopefully something in the future.(我絕對還沒寫出那首歌!希望未來會出現這首歌。)





Q14:Which song was the longest or the hardest to compose?(哪一首歌是最長的或是最難作曲的?)


Matt: There is a new song in 3 parts, more of a symphony than a song which I have been working on sporadically for many years. As a large percentage of the composition is orchestral I have never wanted to collaborate with a string arranger as they may make it 'theirs'. So I have been arranging the orchestral elements myself which is taking a long time due to my inexperience with large scale scoring. It should hopefully make the next album as the final 3 tracks. (有一首新歌,分成三大篇章,與其說是歌曲其實更偏向於交響曲,斷斷續續我已經寫了許多年了。裡頭有一大部分章節是以管弦樂為主,我沒有想過要跟弦樂編曲家合作,因為他們可能會將這個部份變成"他們的音樂"。所以我獨立完成編曲的部份,這花了很多的時間,因為我在編寫這樣規模樂曲總譜的經驗上並不足夠。我想它應該可以放進下一張專輯的最後三首發行。)


按:Are you seducing us,Mr.Matthew Jemas Bellamy?這聽起來真是太令人興奮!看到這一堆,我真的信服你是個"藝術家"! 




Q15:Considering you've graced Guitar Hero twice, have you ever failed playing your own song assuming you've played the game itself and how do you feel about the commercial use of your music?(想到你們的音樂再度地"榮耀"了吉他英雄,你們有沒有過因為玩自己的音樂過於自大而在這個遊戲栽了的大跟斗?對於這種遊戲產業使用你們的音樂作賣點,你們又有什麼感想?)


Matt:Without wanting to sound aloof, I have never played the game. I walked past Linkin Park's dressing room once and saw them playing it, moshing to a Metallica track or something. I lost touch with gaming since I spent 7 days addicted to 'Monkey Island 2' on an Amiga in the early 90s. Nothing seems to have drawn me in since then (apart from a 48 hour stretch with Dom on Splinter Cell during the recording of Absolution). Regarding commercial use I am not as precious as some, especially with older or lesser known material. If it gets heard I am happy but always ensure usage is respectful.(不想讓人聽起來我是漠不關心,但我從來沒有玩過這個遊戲。有次我經過聯合公園的休息室時我看到他們在玩,好像是在玩金屬製品的曲目吧。自從在90年代初期,Amiga的系統時代我花了7天的時間沉迷在"猿猴島嶼2"後,我已經不碰遊戲機了。沒有什麼遊戲可以讓我像那時候一樣沉迷了。(除了在製作Absolution時,我和Dom花了整整48個小時,沉浸在惡靈古堡中。)遺憾的是遊戲製造商沒有選用些我比較珍視的,特別是那些比較老或是比較低知名度的素材,如果那些音樂能夠因此被樂迷聽見我會很高興的,然而對於這件事我的態度保證是尊重的。)


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